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  • How do you add a playlist?  I use Podsnack, Just follow the instructions to make your playlist and copy and paste the HTML code to the HTML section of your gadget in the layout. <Click here to go there>
  • How do you add the snowflake effect? Just click the link below and the instructions will be there. :) <Click here to go there>
  •  How do you add the pageviews count? Go the the layout of your blog, click add a gadget & click Blog's stats.
  • How do you change the Blog's font? Go to template, click customize. Then click advanced and page and choose the font of your choice.

  • How do you add a clock? Go online and search Clock widgets and choose the website of your choice. Follow the instructions there customize your own. Copy and paste the HTML code in the HTML section of the gadget.
  • How did you get that chat box?  From chatwing 
  • Have you checked my application? Yes we have! We check them daily to make sure non of you are missed out :)
  • Why does it take long for my application? It depends on whether we are in need of your talent & help in the moment.
  • How will I know if I became a blogger?  You will receive a email and invitation from WLS.