Idesignz, What happened?
Hey princess here,
Even IDK?why bloggers are not posting and owner is taking no actions. Actually I could do something but I am not the admin.! I don't have the authority to remove someone from being a blogger. but apparently I can give warnings so please bloggers start posting again.
Back to the point there was this event today Idesignz hosted by Loganwooz..! So at first she came and then said aloha hello and stuff. So then she announced the winners. After that everyone got too busy to take photos with her. Everyone got insane! People were like Logan can I take a pic with you? Please logan stand here! HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH LOGAN IS BEAUTIFUL;!
:p _AWKWARD- so then she went here and there then she said let's visit the winners unitz first at
julietrainbow23 unitz. ''A splash Of Blue' '
so then people wouldn't leave logan alone thye kept asking her questions and kept taking pictures. Even though she kept smiling :D BTW she didn't said omigod or oh em gee.! At the splash of blue she even said something about zeena. She said that she is like all rude'' luckily this time she didn't arrived to crash all the fun
Next unitz was ''a beach for Logan Cx'' BY xxmelimoxx. It was on NO 4. It was quite good too. Having good accessories and stuff.
Then Loagn went to the unitz named ''summer beach party unit design'' owner was imafuzzymonster Where more than 80 people joined. People were ready to go to the next unit cause Logan set the doors on the Idesignz to the winner's unitz! This unitz came third!
This was the beach that came 2nd. Isn't it awesome! Like wow! I was actually very glad to see such skills in woozens! The unitz was ''Summer fun beach contest winner'' owned by ''dustinthunder'' It was the shortest one. I mean with very less accessories and furnitures and was actually kinda short but came 2nd Logan was again invited to take so many pictures and she did! She took the most time here!
The last unitz visited but which came first was ''sunset beach'' owner by sunset916..!? What JK JK the owner was ''lovezmeep1'' Logan had to admit she did an amazing job on that! she was friended by Logan and was given a glamorous trophy..! Logan couldn't resist it but finally said ohmigawd for not letting logan take a pic with the winner. WOOZENS WOOZENS.. hmm when are they gonna listen...!?
Thanks for listening! LOL
Even IDK?why bloggers are not posting and owner is taking no actions. Actually I could do something but I am not the admin.! I don't have the authority to remove someone from being a blogger. but apparently I can give warnings so please bloggers start posting again.
Back to the point there was this event today Idesignz hosted by Loganwooz..! So at first she came and then said aloha hello and stuff. So then she announced the winners. After that everyone got too busy to take photos with her. Everyone got insane! People were like Logan can I take a pic with you? Please logan stand here! HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH LOGAN IS BEAUTIFUL;!
:p _AWKWARD- so then she went here and there then she said let's visit the winners unitz first at
julietrainbow23 unitz. ''A splash Of Blue' '
so then people wouldn't leave logan alone thye kept asking her questions and kept taking pictures. Even though she kept smiling :D BTW she didn't said omigod or oh em gee.! At the splash of blue she even said something about zeena. She said that she is like all rude'' luckily this time she didn't arrived to crash all the fun
This was the beach that came 2nd. Isn't it awesome! Like wow! I was actually very glad to see such skills in woozens! The unitz was ''Summer fun beach contest winner'' owned by ''dustinthunder'' It was the shortest one. I mean with very less accessories and furnitures and was actually kinda short but came 2nd Logan was again invited to take so many pictures and she did! She took the most time here!
The last unitz visited but which came first was ''sunset beach'' owner by sunset916..!? What JK JK the owner was ''lovezmeep1'' Logan had to admit she did an amazing job on that! she was friended by Logan and was given a glamorous trophy..! Logan couldn't resist it but finally said ohmigawd for not letting logan take a pic with the winner. WOOZENS WOOZENS.. hmm when are they gonna listen...!?
Thanks for listening! LOL
BTW did you guys know I completed my first ever magazine ''The Stunnings Magazine'' volume:1 fashion in summer.. Just go to the blog view it and tell me how is it? Pretty cool huh. I worked for 2 nights on that magazine and now it looks glamorous! can't stand a minute just want to view the ''magazine'' then what are you waiting for?