Hey~ So, last week, the Woozworld Weather Bureau, warned of an approaching cold front(cold front is defined as the leading edge of a cooler mass of air, replacing (at ground level) a warmer mass of air, which lies within a fairly sharp surface trough of low pressure.)
, accompanied by a strange.. gray cloud. So this cloud is the result of all the mean-spirited and hateful things Woozens and Woozband have done to one another. Just above Woozworld, this “cloud” is absorbing all the color and joy from Woozworld and leaving us with only gray gloom and hateful faces. Your true loving spirit and colorful personality are protected, If you were able to protect yourself using Professor Preztige’s Boost of Love,.
Ms. Miraje, an excentric member of the Woozworld Weather Bureau, forecaster and fortune teller was the first to foresee an evil approaching Woozworld. She offered her help to combat this menacing cloud, but she’s wary of helping us: “These are the very Woozens whose behavior caused this cloud of woe, so why should I reveal all that I know? My crystal ball can light the way, but only if my price you pay.” - And this Ms. Miraje only speaks in rimes and riddles.
To find out more about this cloud, pay a visit to Ms. Miraje in Woozworld and find out how you can get out from under the Cloud of Hatred.