jaywooz's lil game

heya... Sorry i couldn't post early cause like i was busy with school and my own blog. actually i appointed some more ''TRIAL BLOGGERS'' so that they can post in my blog and i could concentrate on WLS!
In this post I would be giving a talk on Jaywooz's game... well it's just a lil game that we can play and win maybe ? xp SO we had to go to central plaza and over there we will find four boxes there we have to answer  Billboard Music Awards nominees which are going to win this Sunday? so are you ready. BTW i didnt knew much about billboard which is why I did a lil trick you may try it but actually it took a lil time so 
what I did was. i went to my other id and over there I did this questions thing and over there i noted the majority answer (not necessary that majority is right x( ) but yea I did that and then i went to my main ID and follow the majorities answer...!!!!!!!
so these are some majority answer so that you dont have to do wut I did :P SO YEA THIS IS IT WITH THE QUESTIONS. ;)

Which artist will win the ''Top artist'' award at the billboard Awards?

Which artist will win the Top new artist awards at the billboard Awards?

Which album will win the ''Top billboard album awards at the billboard Awards?

Which song will win the top hot 100 song award at the Billboard awards?

So these were the guesses by woozens so if you wanna follow this post do that and if you wanna follow your heart then do that :p OKAY SO these were the suggestions oh... oh....oh.... I forgot to tell that the woozen who guesses all the right wil............................ recieve a prize.. IDK WUTS THE PRIZE. OKAY SO HAVE A GOOD DAY..!